
Holiday Cards & 50 Free Greetings!

With Christmas tiptoeing around the corner, now is the time to get your holiday cards in order! With all the wonderful ways to personalize, customize and strategize your personal festive greeting, hop on over to Shutterfly and take a gander at the beautiful Christmas cards they have in stock.

These are some of my favorite designs:

Shutterfly also has some great gift ideas like...

(I love these, and plan to have some made from Scotland photos)

...and adorable thank you cards, of which you can never have too many.

Want your chance to snag 50 free holiday cards of your own? Visit this link and fill out the Shutterfly form to receive instructions on creating a blog post like I did in order to receive the offer.

It's the season of giving and getting!


  1. I just designed mine yesterday :) they are really so pretty!

  2. I am going to head over there! Great idea!


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