Teething is largely to blame. It's killing me. Slowly and painfully. With a vengeance. One kiddo will be miserable all day—crying, clingy, unable to be satisfied. But then once that magical moment comes that they improve or the Advil kicks in and they feel better, another one bites the dust. And so it continues day in and day out right now, constantly! Silence has been something completely non-existent. I didn't realize just how much I missed the quiet until I was in the car headed to a doctor's appointment this morning. Although that appreciation was momentarily ruined by a pounding headache that came on, likely from the four hours of sleep I got last night. Harrison woke up with teething pain and once I got him situated Trystan woke up (a rare occurrence) and I had to rock her for awhile. Once she was quiet again, Kailey woke up and then Harrison woke up twice more after that. I didn't even close my eyes for the first time until 2:30am. Thankfully, those kind of nights are few and far between but when they come, they floor me. A night of sleep deprivation is really hard-hitting these days. And then I think back on those first few months with the babies and the severe lack of sleep we endured on a daily basis and wonder how in the hell we survived!?
And don't even get me started on working from home. I've been trying to write some articles for a book on Texas weddings and most of my sentences come out jarbled and dry. Then when I do hit a good streak, it's immediately interrupted by someone shrieking from the play room because Oh my gosh, someone took my ball and I don't want any of the other 48 balls in the room, I want that one!
Fortunately there are a few moments in each day that seem to salvage the chaos. Like the moment when I realize I've got the latest episode of Nashville on the DVR and can actually watch it because everyone actually went to sleep for nap time. Or the moment I decide today is simply not a good day to do laundry and it can wait until tomorrow. Or the moment my nanny or my mom and step-dad are here and I realize I can go to Target and roam the aisles or throw on a sweat shirt and enjoy a quick pedicure. Or when my sister comes by after work for a visit and spends time playing with my kids. Or the moment the day is officially done (like right now) and it's time to kick back and relax for an hour or two with the husband. Who I'm hoping is here very soon.
I also need to extend a heartfelt thanks to my mom and step-dad for helping pick up the slack while said husband was out of town, as well as my friend, Jo Ann. Sweet people sure do make life a whole lot easier and good moments make the craziness a little less insane.

You are so welcome! Louis Dean and I are grateful we are at a place in life where we can help! You will understand when YOU have grandchildren that this is a true Labor of Love ! We would NOT want to miss this time. They are growing up before our very eyes and we are thankful for them and for God allowing us to be a part of their lives. The days we don't see them in person we are watching our videos and looking at pictures and talking abour them. It has been a thrilling adventure and we are enjoying the ride!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this post. I can't imagine how hard this would be with four teething babies. I have two small children and I know how it is for me when just one of them or both of them need me. It is nice though to see a post like this that shows that even you have rough days it makes you and your family seem that much more real. It is nice to know I am not the only one that feels like you can hardly make it through a day especially when the husband isn't around as much.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS!!! I really enjoy your blog!!
Thank YOU for reading and sharing!! I'm so glad this blog is such a great outlet for fellow moms, we're all in it together!
DeleteI VE been following your blog for ever . Ive been following the sweet life blog .she lives out side of dallas 3 hours but drives once a week into dallas because she is 22 weeks and having quintuplets . They will probably be keeping her after today so may be pass the out there for some support for a fellow multiple mom . I LOVE YOUR BLOG your have a great family keep up the good work . gereard in Orlando fl
ReplyDeleteSending you many hugs, wish I could be there to help out, on your bad and on all the good days;) We have all been thru those kind of "teething"days/nights, you seem to be able to handle it all amazingly well,when your wonderful Mom,LD and other support help is not there.That is why I think you are one Wonderful Mom/Person
ReplyDeleteAmber you are such a wonderful mom but you are human. As many plates as you have spinning you need down time & time for yourself as much as possible to recharge. I'm happy you have people in your life that can help with that. I love your children & wish I could do more. I do love to visit & play w/ them! I want them to know their Aunt Deanie.
ReplyDeleteIt's also great that you put yourself out their & end up helping someone else. You know if you fell overwhelmed that other mom's are too, it helps them to not feel alone. You are giving of yourself & thanking those that help you too. You are very special that you have a good group of people around you:)! One day @ a time chick, you're a ROCK STAR! Lovz :)
Thanks Aunt Deanie, you're the best!!
DeleteWelcome to parenthood times 4. You are so lucky to have the family support and the rest of the support system because there are others that don't. Let alone having a wonderful husband who helps when he's home. Just Breathe and count to 10. Oh and have a glass of wine when you can. Hang in there you're doing a great job. I'm overwhelmed and exhausted when I watch a video and look a the pictures. Can't imagine living it. HUGS